Collibra Training

We developed basic and advanced education on how to implement and use Collibra, provided by our Collibra rangers. Additionally, we have training material for Managers to highlight the importance of the tool and Data Governance within their organisation and make optimised use of the Data Assets that are present.

This training is for: Data Stewards, Data Managers, Data Analysts, Data Engineers, IT Professionals, Business Collibra Users

services Clever Republic

In this Training you will:

  • Learn everything about Collibra’s Out-of-the Box operating model
  • See optimal solutions and best practices for Collibra’s capabilities in regard of regulatory compliance, data lineage, data quality, the data catalog, and more

After this Training you will:

  • Feel comfortable navigating Collibra on your own
  • Know which Assets belong in their corresponding domains, and how to create them
  • Understand the value of a well-oiled Data Governance implementation within your organisation

Practical information

  • Topic: Collibra
  • Location: Woerden (if requested on-site of your organisation)
  • Time: Dependent on basic, advanced, or manager course. Hands-on courses might take place over several sessions
  • Costs: Dependent on amount of participants

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