We love data

At Clever Republic, we work together to get the best out of our customers’ data every day. We help organisations to build a data foundation and to unlock its full potential. It is our mission to help organisations with the implementation and adoption of processes, technology and organisational structures that are needed to unlock the full potential of trusted data.

Clever Republic Team
Clever Republic Data governance/ data intelligence

We help organisations to trust their data

Trusted data is essential for every organisation. Data is the input and output of a process and also tells about the performance of the process. Whilst the amount of data within an organisation is exploding, the need for trusted data is increasing. Organisations require help in organising their data and make it trustworthy. 

We believe that consulting is not only about implementation and installation but it’s more about learning people how to operationalise solutions for the long term. We don’t work for our clients, we work with them.

Clever Republic Team

Koen Balm

Koen Balm

“I like to connect Data, People, Processes, Policy and Technology by organising and governing data in a pragmatic way”. Koen helps companies to determine and implement their Data Strategy, Data Management department or Data Governance. With a solid background in Information Management (MIM) and Business Economics (MSc) he knows how to get value out data and how to bridge the gap between data, IT, processes and business. In 2020 Koen founded Clever Republic together with Jeroen, to help organisations implement the foundation for data management and connect the dots around it. Within Clever Republic Koen focusses on expanding the republic, driving business development and establishing partnerships. 


Jeroen Suijker

Jeroen has a profound background in knowledge management. As Business Analyst / translator he translates Data Management questions into data driven solutions that really deliver value to the business. Jeroen has over 25 years experience in finance, technology and insurance in roles such as Program Manager, Product Owner, Business Analyst or Data Management Lead. In his spare time Jeroen likes to develop his own applications and analytical models in using state of the art solutions like Python and R.


Rixt Baerveldt


Aura Orval


Floris van der Krieken

Floris graduated with a MSc in Business Process Management & IT and has a bachelor degree in International Business Administration. He has a passion for connecting the dots around data. What fascinates him about data is how it creates new opportunities in business (processes) and can efficiently solve various issues that arise within an organisation.


Rosina Meijnen

Rosina excels in developing and overseeing scopes, asset-, and operating models. She has eye for detail and a proactive approach on setting up and maintaining related processes. Also, she designs landing dashboards, validation rules, workflows, and custom views within Collibra. Combined with a creative and proactive mindset, Rosina is dedicated to optimise efficiency and scalability within projects and teams.
Koen Molier

Koen Molier


Wilko Verheij

Wilko started within Clever Republic as a graduate intern and worked his way up to becoming a full-time employee. His proficiency in programming languages is impressive, making him a go-to person when it comes to technical challenges. With his analytical skills, Wilko excels in identifying and solving complex problems with ease. His enthiusiasm for implenting value adding solutions makes him a driving force for many of our client implementations.


Frank Bleker

Frank, holding a Master’s degree in Privacy Law and CIPP/E certification alongside a Master’s degree in Data Science, specialises in bridging the gap between legal and data science requirements. With a focus on translating complex regulations into practical, compliant data solutions, he fosters collaboration between legal and data science teams. Frank’s mission is to guide organisations in making informed, compliant, and data-driven decisions, ensuring the harmonious coexistence of compliance and data innovation. 


Job Grimbergen

Job helps organisations trust their data by enabling them to improve data quality. Job is a strong communicator and approaches obstacles with curiosity and pragmatism, always trying to identify root-causes and never losing sight of the bigger picture. With a background in business administration and a master’s degree in strategic management Job is a structured thinker who understands business needs. Besides his client work, Job also manages Clever Republic’s strategic partnerships. 

Mo Coenraads

Mo started as a graduate intern and is now a fulltime employee. He has finished his master’s in Information Management. Prior to the master, he completed the HBO study Business IT & Management. Through his internships and (work) experiences, he discovered that he is interested in all fields in the Data World. From Data Governance to Data visualisation and from Metadata to Data Science. Through the courses in his studies, following several internships and a minor in Data Science, he has discovered that Data Governance suits him perfectly. Mo likes to dive in-depth to find out everything about a topic.


Mabel Zwart

Mabel graduated in Communication and Information Sciences (MSc) and also has a background in Digital Marketing. During her studies and previous work experience, she learned to translate clients needs into the right (data) strategy. Her communication skills, critical thinking and data knowledge position her as a trusted guide in navigating the complex data landscape.


Laurens Stokroos

Laurens holds a dual specialisation MSc in International Business, specialising in Entrepreneurship & Business Development and Strategy & Innovation. He is committed to optimising the strategic usage of data within businesses. With a forward-thinking approach and design expertise, Laurens is a valuable asset dedicated to aligning data with your business objectives.

Thijs Bolder

Thijs is currently pursuing his MSc in Business Information Management. Being inspired by a guest lecture at his university about Data Governance and the AI Act, he seized the opportunity to start working at Clever Republic as Working Student. Optimizing internal processes and learning about Data Governance at Clever Republic proves to be a perfect combination! Thijs gets energised by digitalization, working in teams and making impact at both businesses and people.  

Suzanne Backer

Suzanne is a Working Student and currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Computer Science. With her knowledge of algorithms, programming languages and databases, she supports our team in the field of technology. She explores the intersection between business and IT. Furthermore, she has a keen interest in organising large amounts of data for business efficiency and growth. With her skills and enthusiasm, Suzanne contributes to technological development within Clever Republic.


Robert Horsten

Robert is our financial wizzard. Knowing everything of financial data and alignement with tax regulation and accounting principles. Pragmatic, hands-on and driven by numbers. If not at the CleverRepublic HQ or with a client, you’ll surely find Robert at a golf-course!


Frederike de Boer

Frederike is our top-notch recruiter. She is continuously searching for the next data expert to join our team and dedicated to finding the best talent. Are you interested in a career at Clever Republic? Frederike will probably be your first contact!


Last but not least, our Chief Happiness Officer (CHO): Indy. With a wagging tail and boundless enthusiasm, Indy is dedicated to brightening everyone’s day. Whether he’s attending meetings or spreading joy in the office, Indy’s infectious positivity makes him an essential part of our team. His expertise lies in tail wags, belly rubs, and creating a pawsitive work environment for all.

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